Trail Location 12: Urban Ravine



Map showing Trail Location #12 - Urban Ravine





Between the Headwaters and Grand Avenue, the Lick Run Greenway stream channel is narrow and fairly straight, with steeper banks than farther downstream. The channel is narrow here because land space is tight. The 20-foot-diameter Lick Run sewer that carries sewage and some stormwater is located between the channel and Queen City Avenue.


Lick Run Greenway stream channel, just west of the Headwaters
Looking east from Van Hart Street


Pool, riffle, and run in the stream
Graphic showing Lick Run combined sewer, Lick Run Greenway stream, and the stormwater conveyance box



Lick Run Greenway stream channel, just west of the Headwaters
Looking east toward Quebec Road




  • Pools: Pools are pockets of deep, slow-moving water that allow sediment to settle
  • Riffles: A riffle is a shallow area of the stream with fast, turbulent water that breaks over rocks.
  • Runs: Runs are swifter, deeper parts of a stream usually located downstream of a riffle.
  • Native plants: The plants in and around the stream are native, which means they originally grew in this area and are accustomed to our weather (so they don't need a lot of extra watering and care).
  • Stormwater Planters: Green features like rain gardens and tree planters help soak up and clean rainwater. Tree planters can be found along Queen City Avenue and rain gardens can be found through the Lick Run Greenway.


Baby moon tree planted on the grounds of Dennis Smith's new company location in Fairfield
Meandering Streams vs. Straight Streams. Narrow, straight channels are rare. When they occur, the channel is usually controlled
by rock edges that resist erosion (like this portion of the Lick Run Greenway stream). In a narrow straight stream, the water usually flows more quickly.



Baby moon tree planted on the grounds of Dennis Smith's new company location in Fairfield
How streams function